About Us

Company information

BMH Consulting  Rwanda had been founded by Dr Michael Handlos, a veterinarian with a long standing experience in consultancy work and  project management for EuropeAid, GIZ, Worldbank, IFAD, and Asian Development Bank in North, West, East, Central Africa,  Mediterrean countries, Arabian peninsula, South and South-East Asia

The goal of BMH Consulting Rwanda is to provide high-quality consulting services in the field of animal health and production (GAHP) and agribusiness promotion (dairy development, slaughterhouses, meat hygiene (meat inspection training), honey production, GMP/GHP, HACCP),  to livestock farmers and producers of horticulture products (Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) , organic farming, Rainforest /UTZ, Fair Trade compliance)


Dr Michael Handlos is  veterinarian (DVM, PhD animal nutrition, MVet Science epidemiology), but also holds Master degrees in agricultural developement (MScAgric.Dev) and business administration (MBA) with a long experience in consultancy work and  project management. In addition Dr Handlos is committed to continuous professional development focusing among other things  on social (gender, minorities), and environmental (smart livestock production, GHG reduction) topics. 


To achieve these goals BMH Consulting  Rwanda is part of a network which can mobilise highly skilled and experience national and international consultants based in the UK, Uganda, Thailand, Tunisia, Pakistan, and Palestine